Monday, 7 November 2011

I just bought a new laptop and that makes me sad...

I'm sure I will be very excited when it arrives but I am currently feeling like a traitor. The laptop I am fondly typing on has been in my life since I was 16. It still technically works but it has reached retirement age. Bits have started cracking and falling off, it freezes when things get too hard for it and it continuously drops its internet connection.

I'm feeling like I've taken a beloved puppy to the vets to be put down. This was not the emotion I anticipated. It's so odd being emotionally involved with a machine. It makes more sense to be involved with it rather than other less interesting objects but it has been a continuous feature in my daily life for 5 years. 5 YEARS. No other thing or person has been that?!

This is a truly embarrassing rant so I will end it here... lappy ILY.

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